Workshop|The original Han Dynasty meets Baode Palace – Lion Head Shaping Chapter

  • Time

    2019/9/14 (Saturday) 14:00-16:00

  • Location


  • Leader

    工藝師 阿寶師(林元寶)

The second “Meet the Original Han: Baodegong Lion Head Workshop” will be led by lion head master Master Abao to explore the lion head culture of Baode Palace, and lead everyone to make a lion head model and experience the lion head shaping process fun

Craftsman A Baoshi (Lin Yuanbao)

The lion array at Baode Palace in Beitou is very unique. In addition to the steps of the dance array, it also features lion head shapes. The master who made the lion heads, Lin Yuanbao, is known as “Master A Bao”. He is 73 years old and has made lion heads for more than 40 years. This year, the walls of my home are full of lion head works, and I want to inherit the skill and culture of making lion heads. These two workshops will take the audience to experience the complete process of making lion heads.
